Reflecting on 2020

Thursday 31st, December 2020

2020 was a bit of a different year for us all, every year I take some time to think and reflect on the past year, this year its also in the form of this blog post!

This year bought lockdowns and a way of life that we had never encountered before. I still managed to make the most of the year, here are a few highlights of my 2020. 

Flat renovation

Due to the pandemic I've spent a lot of time at home, in my 2 bed flat that me and Wife bought in late 2019. We managed to redecorate many of the rooms we really wanted to make our own and update our kitchen. Most of the work carried out was done by ourselves and my Dad in the extra time we had as there wasn't much else we could do... I feel if we didn't have to spend so much time at home that maybe we maybe further behind on the renovations as we did much of it ourselves.  


Grown more of an appreciation for friends and family, who I've not been able to see in person so much this year. Thankful for my Wife by my side in this time and everything that she does for me. Re-connecting with friends who I maybe have lost contact with, due to the "busyness" of life. I learning to try and make more time for those around me.

In between all this, me, my Wife and some friends did manage to go on a weeks holiday to Crete which was a nice blessing and surprise we were able to go.

Thankful for technology

Not being able to see and speak to people face to face if so strange and not like anything I've encountered before. I'm so grateful and thankful that we live in a time where technology is so advanced that we can video call people and spend time catching up or playing online quizzes and games together. 

New projects launched

In the midst of everything that the year bought, I managed to launch two new projects of mine:

  • Snaphints 
    Snaphints is a photography tips site 
  • Tomsnaps
    I have a passion to take photos and capture that world around us. I setup a site showing my photos and a place for people to purchase my photos as cards.

Please do go and checkout and support these projects if you're interested.

Round up

Although 2020 wasn't as I had imagined, it was still a year that I managed to achieve a few things and taken the time to slow down a bit from the busyness of life. 

© 2024, Tom Howard